AACE INTERVIEW: Esther Song of Canndescent
Open for business: Truth in Marketing
“I’m open about my experiences with cannabis because the public needs to see that those involved in the space benefit from their own products.” - Esther Song of Chief Marketing Officer Canndescent
In Asian culture, the multi-generational family is the foundation we build on for the future, rather than being defined as “one”, we bring all our familial history into our daily lives, from our languages, culture, cuisine, and even how we have distinct titles for our maternal and paternal grandparents, our heritage is another layer we bring wherever we land.
Building Bridges
Growing up in a home with immigrant parents, I was the bridge that began on one side and spanned across the divide to other, and because of that I didn’t form two identities but I merged them into a hybrid that at times I felt very alone and in other times I found a tribe that understood my path. From the beginning, Esther learned to build her own bridges, both in personal growth and in her career - by taking her fashion industry skills at Tory Burch and crossing the bridge to marketing a healing plant called cannabis.
AACE is honored to have Esther’s words and we are proud to see another API woman at the forefront of the cannabis industry. - Ophelia Chong
Your path to the cannabis industry started in the fashion industry, and fashion has much more in common with cannabis than any other product. There is not enough public education on the benefits of cannabis, so marketing was based on the look and feel and word of mouth, similar to fashion trends. How will you change the public perception of cannabis and will you use your first foray into using cannabis as a consumer to shape this message?
There is definitely a significant overlap between marketing for cannabis and marketing for fashion. In both industries, education and authentic storytelling are most effective at cutting through the noise. By prioritizing transparency in cannabis marketing and creating an informative resource for consumers to turn to with their questions and uncertainties, we can build lasting consumer trust in the industry and our brand. I’m open about my experiences with cannabis because the public needs to see that those involved in the space benefit from their own products. Personal stories from leaders, colleagues, and one’s peers are very powerful tools in removing the stigma associated with the plant.
We spoke about your family and your sister stands out as a major influence, how was she your muse, protector, and sibling growing up in a single-parent household? How did she react to your entry into the cannabis industry?
My mother worked 12-plus hours per day, so my sister essentially raised me. Even though she is only three years older than me, she became the dominant mother figure in life. My sister is the boldest person I know and always taught me that if I stand up for myself and fight for what I want, nothing and no one can get in my way.
When I told her I was leaving my stable job in fashion for the cannabis industry, she was very supportive. My sister understood that it would be an interesting and potentially difficult journey during which I might face headwinds, but not once did she make me feel like I shouldn’t, nor couldn’t, accomplish my goals in cannabis.
As a new mother, how do you view the use of cannabis for working mothers? What are the benefits (over i.e. alcohol, pharmaceuticals, tobacco)?
My husband and I both believe in the healing power of cannabis, whether it’s to heal an ailment or boost your mood - or both. It proved valuable to have on hand for my husband late in my pregnancy. Three days before I gave birth, my husband had an emergency root canal. Given that I could have gone into labor any minute, he didn’t want to take painkillers that would incapacitate him and prevent him from caring for me if needed. Instead, he took a cannabis gummy and woke up the next morning with no pain. For me, it provides a sense of much-needed calm and relaxation - and I appreciate that I don’t wake up with a hangover the next day! That being said, I know people don’t like to mix but I LOVE a night out eating Korean food, drinking soju, and coming home to smoke my favorite pre-roll.
Canndescent - The Art of Flower