AACE INTERVIEW: Jessica Fung of Blunt B.A.E.
I see the cannabis industry finding a stable place within informational and educational transparency while celebrating inclusion and diversity. I firmly believe that people are coming around, and it will take time, but we’ll be waiting. - Jessica Fung
The Canadian Chinese working in cannabis standout with their style, grace, smarts, and niceness. Yes, I am a bit biased being Canadian myself but hey, it’s true, eh? Jessica inspires others in cannabis by highlighting the endless possibilities in design, art, style, and photography. One of our favorite posts on Blunt B.A.E. is “How to make an Ice Bong”, so Canadian so cool. We hope you find Jessica as inspiring and cool as we do. - Ophelia Chong
How have your views on cannabis changed?
Before and after I joined the industry, my views on cannabis have changed drastically. I grew up around all of the propagated stigma surrounding cannabis. It wasn’t until a friend had mentioned how cannabis legalization would affect her law practice that I realized how crucial Canadian cannabis legalization meant to the country and the rest of the world. I was immediately curious and fascinated by all of the ways cannabis helped people. I knew I wanted to be a part of the movement; this is how Blunt B.A.E. was born; to destroy the stigma associated with cannabis and provide education regarding responsible cannabis consumption.
How did you enter the cannabis industry?
I entered the industry just by showing up. I knew I wanted to be a part of it, but at the time, I didn’t know anyone in the industry directly, and I made a point to show up to cannabis events to learn, network, and build.
Did you research cannabis before entering?
Loads of research! I knew nothing about the plant or the industry. I remember googling everything under the sun and asking questions and listening to every podcast that I could find. There’s still so much to learn!
How does your family feel about your cannabis businesses?
My family knows about the pivot in my career from fashion to cannabis. However, my parents are still very heavily stigmatized and made a point to say that it’s ok for me to work in it as long as I don’t consume it. It’s a double standard, and I aim to change their mind.
What is the most frequent question you are asked about cannabis?
The most common questions I get asked are, “Where can I get edibles?” or “What’s a good place/brand to buy from?” and “Do you sell or grow weed?”. Many of the questions come from a place of curiosity and insecurity. I always enjoy the conversation that follows. It lets me understand consumer concerns. I think it’s incredibly essential for the cannabis industry to know who the consumers are, and these are the conversations that build the backbone of the industry.
What is your favorite way of ingesting cannabis?
My preferred consumption method would be by smoking. Specifically, a joint or a blunt because I love the practice of rolling a joint or filling a cone. It’s an excellent way to be connected with the plant; being able to hold it and smell the terpenes is a great way to learn about the plant.
Where do you see the cannabis industry in five years?
I see the cannabis industry finding a stable place within informational and educational transparency while celebrating inclusion and diversity. I firmly believe that people are coming around, and it will take time, but we’ll be waiting.