Paul Chu of is what I would call someone who spans so many mountains, he has spanned from technology to beverages to now clearing new paths in cannabis.
HEY MARY is the first patent-pending, intelligent, at-home cannabis dispensing platform. It takes the guesswork out of cannabis consumption.
It personalizes and tracks the desired efficacy & result-driven dosing just for you.
My views
I see now that this plant is the quantum plant.
It taught me nature, nurture and human kindness as well as human nastiness.
I went from “just say no” to “get to know” cannabis.
How has your views on cannabis changed?
I see now that this plant is the quantum plant. It taught me nature, nurture and human kindness as well as human nastiness. I went from “just say no” to “get to know” cannabis.
What was the impetus to that change?
Personal healings for my rotary cuff tear to my mom’s immediate decrease of Opioids taken for her fractured spine.
How did you enter the cannabis industry?
Ambition to take a friend’s hand made cannabis company to transition out of the Grey zone and exited to a licensed pubco.
Did you do research into cannabis before entering?
Yes, two book worm years and decided to file for the Hey MARY invention. This device personalizes cannabis dosing and auto replenishes while capturing treatment outcomes and efficacy from daily consumption.
How does your family feel about your cannabis businesses?
My teenage boys were pleasantly surprised (I Think deep inside, they were like cool, my dad’s doing the technology shit with cannabis, but don’t openly share with friends what I do.)
What is the most frequent question you are asked about cannabis?
Does it work? My answer: only if you dose it right and takes it for yourself.
What is your favorite way of ingesting cannabis?
Where do you see the cannabis industry in five years?
Normalized, politicized, publicized, demoralized and cannibalizes with less profit than we imagine.
Why do you think some Asians are against cannabis?
Fear of being wrong then and fear of being wrong now.